February 2019 HACVB Board Minutes

February 28, 2019

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2019
Board Member Attendance
Present                                                               Absent
Katherine Gilbert – Chair                                   Andrée Casey – Vice Chair
Dale Norred – Secretary / Treasurer
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Cheri Blanchard
Judy Smart
Brenda Babin arrived at 8:37 am
Mary Lynn Bisland left at 9:18 am
Julie Falgout
Staff Member Attendance
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Financial / Office Manager
Angela Morehead – Convention and Meeting Sales Manager arrived at 8:45 am and left at 9:15 am
Call to Order
K. Gilbert called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:33 am on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at HACVB Administration building in the Conference Room.
Roll Call
Quorum was present.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
K. Gilbert led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public to be Heard
No one from the public present to be heard.
Approval of January 2019 Minutes and December 2018 Financial Reports
The January 2019 minutes were approved as presented. A motion was made by D. Norred and seconded by M. Bisland.
December 2018 Financial reports which include the following reports:
• Balance Sheet
• YTD Income Statement Comparison
• Income Statement Previous Year Comparison
• Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual
• Income Statement MTD Budget Performance
These reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports reflect the budget-toactual
comparisons for the General Fund and were approved as provided by motion of D.
Norred and seconded by M. Bisland and passed unanimously.
Approval of 2018 Amended Budget
The 2018 Amended Budget was provided prior to the meeting. It was approved as provided by
motion of M. Bisland and seconded by B. Babin and passed unanimously.
Approval of By-Laws
These reports were provided prior to the meeting. It was approved as provided by motion of B.
Babin and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
Update Bank Signature Cards Approval
S. Corbitt explained that we need to change the bank signature cards to reflect the incoming
new officer: Katherine – Chair, Andree – Vice Chair and Dale – Treasurer/Secretary. It was
approved as provided by motion of B. Babin and seconded by M. Bisland and passed
Television Sponsorship Discussion
S. Corbitt reviewed her meeting with Stu Scheer about the Fishing Industry. He thinks that
most of our budget should go to the Fishing Industry. S. Corbitt explained to him that we have
an entire Parish to promote not just the Fishing Industry. Kevin Ford contacted J. Falgout
basically stating the same as Stu.
The Board suggested that we do come up with a Television Sponsorship Program Policy like our
other grant programs.
HACVB Outdoors Marketing Presentation
S. Corbitt went over the power point report that was presented to Board. It includes our 2019
Fishing Campaign Overview as well as 2018 for comparison. Included were the Performance
Data, Display Performance, Standard Social Performance, Text Ads, etc.
Staff Meet and Greet: Angela Morehead
Angela introduced herself and stated that she is Meetings and Conventions, and Fishing
Tournaments. She focuses on bringing people to our parish that will and getting them to stay in
our hotels. A lot of people think that we are funded by Sales Tax by going shopping at local
stores. But, no, we are funded by heads in beds which means by Hotel/Motel taxes.
Angela began here in 2007 and held her first big fishing tournament in 2011. But she was never
awarded a big tournament from a local person in 12 years. We sponsored IFA several years and
we had exposure on EPSN, TV networks and other advertising markets.
Markets are Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Retirement, Reunions, and Funerals.
Outlook for 2019 include SkillsUSA, FCRV Retirees Rally and JW Conferences. She is working on
the Affiliation for the Blind to bring their convention here in September.
Angela asked if anyone that is on a State Board that is interested in coming to Houma, to please
get with her.
Angela stated that we need bigger properties in Houma to bring in the bigger conventions and
Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt reviewed her report by touching on the main points: Occupancy Rates, LACVB Board
of Director’s meeting update, AirBnB Update, Hotel-Motel Definition, Building Repairs, African
American Museum Meeting, and Article in the Courier. B. Smith talked about the Louisiana
Travel Leadership Academy class she attended in February. S. Corbitt mentioned where we are
with our Research.
S. Corbitt also mentioned that the HACVB Gift Shop is now open for business.
S. Corbitt also provided a copy of her schedule for February and March.
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 am by B. Babin and seconded by C. Blanchard
and the motion carried.