October Meeting Minutes

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2020

I. Board and Staff Member Attendance

Andree Casey-Chair
Cheri Blanchard-Secretary/Treasurer
Brenda Babin-Vicechair
Mary Lynn Bisland
Katherine Gilbert
Julie Falgout
Judy Smart
Staff Present:
Sondra Corbitt
Lindsey Fruge’

Board Absent:
Charles Wilson Sr.
Joshua Ellender

II. Meeting call to order:   A. Casey called the meeting to order at 8:42 a.m.
III. Roll Call:  Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:  C. Blanchard led the board in the Invocation.  A. Casey led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Public to be heard. No one was present.
VI. Approval of Minutes:  M. Bisland made a motion to approve September’s minutes.  Seconded by: K. Theriot.  Motion approved.
VII. Approval of Financial Reports July 2020: B. Babin made motion to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by: M. Bisland. Motion approved.
VIII. Approval of Financial Reports August 2020: B. Babin made motion to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by: C. Blanchard. Motion approved.
IX. 2020 Amended Budget Approval: S. Corbitt presented the 2020 Amended Budget to board. M. Bisland made motion to approve. Seconded by: C. Blanchard. Motion approved.
X. 2021 Proposed Budget Message: S. Corbitt presented the 2021 Proposed Budget Message to board.  Discussion followed on projected revenue and projected expenses. No vote, next meeting.
XI. 2021 Proposed Budget: S. Corbitt presented the 2021 Proposed Budget to board.  Discussion followed in detail on percentage changes in budget. Increases and decreases were explained in proposed budget. No vote, next meeting.
XII. Board of Director’s Attendance Bylaws: Discussion followed on board members attendance and visited the idea of re-evaluating the bylaws presented. Discussed the possibility of changing the date and time of the board meetings to better comply with standing board members. Board recommended to send letters to Charles Wilson Sr. and Joshua Ellender.
XIII. Executive Director’s Report:  S. Corbitt presented the monthly report. Discussion followed Hotel/Motel Occupancy rates along with Airbnb compared to last year percentages, Retirement Rack Card, Records Retention Program, Visitor Center traffic, Chamber of Commerce Board of Director’s nomination, and HACVB website traffic/social media reports.
XIV. M. Bisland made a motion to end the meeting at 9:31 a.m.  Seconded by:  C. Blanchard. Motion approved.