June Meeting Minutes 2021

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2021

I. Board and Staff Member Attendance

Andree’ B. Casey – Chair
Josh Ellender
Mary Lynn Bisland
Margie Scoby
Judy Smart
Katherine Theriot

Staff Present:
Sondra Corbitt
Lindsey Fruge

Board Absent:
Julie Falgout – Vice Chair
Cheri Blanchard – Secretary/Treasurer
Randy Roth

II. Meeting call to order:   A. Casey called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
III. Roll Call:  Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:  M. Bisland led the board in the Invocation.  A. Casey led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Public to be heard:  No one was present.
VI. Approval of Minutes:  M. Bisland moved to approve May’s minutes.  Seconded by J. Smart.  Motion passed.
VII. Approval of Financial Reports: J. Ellender moved to approve April’s Financial Reports. Seconded by M. Bisland. Motion passed. S. Corbitt discussed budget monitoring and preparation for 2022.
VIII. Sponsorship Application:
A) TPCG – Babe Ruth’s Southwest Regional Tournament: S. Corbitt provided an overview of the sponsorship application and scope of work. The board discussed that the sponsorship did not meet the sixty-day deadline requirement and guidelines. M. Bisland moved to reject the Babe Ruth’s Southwest Regional Tournament application due to not meeting the application’s required deadlines and guidelines. Seconded by K. Theriot. Motion passed.
IX. Sponsorship Application Revision Approval: A. Casey discussed the economic impact on the ROI spreadsheet, formula spreadsheet, and generated tax revenue from room bookings. Revisions include: remove matching funds guidelines from the header in the Guidelines Page. Under the application requirements within 50-mile radius will be removed. Use of Grant Funds – 25 % will change to 50% of the bureau funding must be utilized beyond 50-mile radius and 50% of the total project cost. The application must be submitted 60 days prior to event and by the 10th of each month.  The final report due date will change from 30 days to 45 days. J. Ellender moved to approve the proposed revisions starting on July 1, 2021. Seconded by J. Smart. Motion passed.
X. Juneteenth Holiday Discussion: S. Corbitt explained Governor Edwards approved Juneteenth as a state holiday. Discussion followed on: current HACVB’s paid holiday schedule. M. Bisland moved HACVB’s employees has the option to choose Memorial Day or Juneteenth Day as a paid holiday and need to include this into the HACVB policy and procedure handbook. Seconded by K. Theriot. Motion passed.
XI. Deanne Webb – Southern HR Solutions Meet N Greet: D. Webb provided an overview of her Human Resources experience and proposed scope of work for the HAVCB.
XII. Executive Director’s Report:  S. Corbitt provided the monthly report – discussion followed:  occupancy update, Tourism Recovery Improvement Districts, American Rescue Plan HB 642, HB 199 Centralized tax collections, HB 360 Short Term rental safety. Also discussed crawfish trail updates, Civic Center Rentals, Volumnia Farms is now taking tours, upcoming schedule.
XIII.  J. Smart moved to adjourn.  Seconded by J. Ellender.  Motion passed.  Meeting ended at 9:54 a.m.